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Campus Life Engagement

2015 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting in New York City


In September 2015, I flew up to New York City in order to volunteer for the Clinton Foundation at its Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting. I worked on the seating team, which involved ushering guests into rooms and their seats as well as preparing the set-up for a sponsorship dinner at Rockefeller Center. My role included facilitating seating arrangements for CNN broadcast sessions. I greeted guests, heads of state, and influential world leaders. The CGI Annual Meeting unites leaders from across the globe to turn ideas into actions. I listened to presentations from President Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Bill Gates, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and more. Topics for action included the economic implications for gender-based violence, future technological innovations, climate change, and more. I even got to sit in the audience for a CNN panel on the Greek economic crisis featuring President Clinton and CNN's Fareed Zakaria. This volunteer experience was a huge educational advantage for me. I was in the presence of influential world leaders who were coming together to brainstorm resolutions for the world's problems.



In February 2016, I participated in the Gatorship retreat from Multicultural and Diversity Affairs at the University of Florida. This was a weekend excursion in which we participated in thought-provoking discussions regarding leadership issues in our diverse, multicultural society. We engaged in discussions and activities that taught us how to create a more inclusive environment for people of all races, religions, disabilities, socioeconomic statuses, genders, and sexual identitites. This retreat was incredibly beneficial because it enlightened me to other perspectives and issues that people face that are different from my own. In an increasingly diverse world, it is important to understand other different points of view.

UF International Center Global Photo Contest 2018


I visited Grinter Hall's exhibition of the UFIC Global Photo Contest.  My admiration for photography stems from my appreciation for its ability to capture moments of life in an instant, from the mundane to the extraordinary.  While it won 3rd place in the contest, I featured the photograph titled "France wins the FIFA World Cup" because it was my personal favorite.  I was studying abroad in Europe during the World Cup; unfortunately, my host country of Italy did not advance farther in the tournament.  Nonetheless, the hype for the event was evident by the large crowds of people filling up pubs and bars to watch the games.  This photograph resonated with me for the same reason I get excited every time the Olympic Games come around: my love for team sports and the unity they incite.  The photograph depicts joy and euphoria in the streets of Paris after France's win.  Despite government policies among states and despite some international tensions, people unite behind their love for sport.  I found a similarity between the significance of "Go Gators!" and "Go Roma!" as I wore my A.S. Roma shirt depicting the city's professional football club through the airport.  Three strangers, from child to adult, exclaimed "Go Roma!" upon noticing my shirt.  No matter where you are, sports have the power to unite strangers.     



From 'Awesome' to 'Articulate':

Translating Your International Experience 


I attended a panel discussion and presentation led by Marty Tillman about how an international education increases my employability.  I learned that my study abroad experience makes me unique because only 3% of students actually go abroad.  I reflected upon how my experience abroad contributed to my personal development.  I became more mature and sophisticated.  I developed self-confidence, adaptability, resourcefulness, and a changing world view.  All of these characteristics translate to the traits that employers value: leadership, problem-solving skills, cross-cultural sensitivity, and diverse teamwork.   


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